Monday, July 13, 2009

Just Waiting

Hi All - I created this blog for all of you to hear the stories and see pictures while I travel and teach in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I am not quite sure of my departure date just yet, but hopefully I will be able to leave around the 1st of September! I can't wait!

A little background information:
I am currently studying Family and Consumer Science Education (Home Economics) at The University of Georgia. In order to complete my degree I will spend a total of 13 weeks student teaching in a middle or high school FACS Ed classroom. I have always loved reading and studying other cultures, so when one of my professors suggested The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) Program I knew immediately that this was the perfect opportunity to gain experience teaching and living abroad. Both of which I think I would like to eventually do full-time. I will return in early December and graduate on December 18th, 2009.
I'll be updating this blog quite often, as I am required to keep a journal during my experience, as well as posting lots of pictures. Send me money!!