Monday, July 13, 2009

Just Waiting

Hi All - I created this blog for all of you to hear the stories and see pictures while I travel and teach in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I am not quite sure of my departure date just yet, but hopefully I will be able to leave around the 1st of September! I can't wait!

A little background information:
I am currently studying Family and Consumer Science Education (Home Economics) at The University of Georgia. In order to complete my degree I will spend a total of 13 weeks student teaching in a middle or high school FACS Ed classroom. I have always loved reading and studying other cultures, so when one of my professors suggested The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) Program I knew immediately that this was the perfect opportunity to gain experience teaching and living abroad. Both of which I think I would like to eventually do full-time. I will return in early December and graduate on December 18th, 2009.
I'll be updating this blog quite often, as I am required to keep a journal during my experience, as well as posting lots of pictures. Send me money!!


  1. Oh to turn back the hands of time for myself. Girl, I am so proud but a little jealous! Your mom told me about your exciting news. Best of luck to you. Maybe you can chat with our 3rd graders sometime. Let me know if you need anything. May God bless you and keep you safe.

    Denise Isom

  2. We love you and will be praying for you! Come see us before you leave, if you can.
    Mack 'Hound Dog' and Jackie Scott
